Today's photo caption: Imagine how long we'd live if broccoli smelled like bacon?
Welcome back to Tech Service Today's IT Disaster of the Week series where we showcase the ugliest IT environment our technicians ran into this week.
While most people love the taste and smell of bacon, we also know it's bad for our bodies. What you probably don't know is that bacon is bad for your network too. Seriously!
Today's featured photo shows what happens to traditional patch cables when they are used in restaurants. Over time, grease from bacon and deep fryers can actually clog up your IT arteries (the cabling) and reduce network speed, performance, and/or availability.
We first identified this problem in our Three Pain Points that only IT Leaders of Restaurant Chains Can Understand article.
“Grease is a mist that covers everything” says Rick Reno, Director of IT for The Johnny Rockets Group restaurant chain. “We recently had a new digital display mounted over our fryers in one restaurant, and it failed after just 60-days.”
Ashton Holton, a Senior System Administrator with Carlisle Corporation (a leading franchisee company for Wendy’s and LYFE Kitchen restaurants), agrees and says their rule of thumb is simply, "if a restaurant device requires the use of a fan, then it’s probably going to fail.”
So the next time you get stressed over a slight increase in temperature inside your climate-controlled, static-free data center, imagine how much bigger your problems would be if your servers were surrounded by pizza ovens, grill tops, and deep fryers.
Check back every Friday for TST's latest IT Disaster of the Week photo
which represents one of the thousands of customer sites our technicians visit every year as they install and service IT, networking, and telecom equipment & cabling for our clients.
Click here to see last week's IT Disaster photo.
Do you already have an IT disaster that needs to be cleaned up?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to install a network. But to ensure that your equipment, racks and cabling are installed properly in an organized, efficient fashion, it does require the talents of a skilled IT technician. If you need help installing or cleaning up your network, contact Tech Service Today to have a skilled, seasoned Technician dispatched to your site.
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