Welcome back to Tech Service Today's IT Disaster of the Week series where we showcase the ugliest IT environment our technicians ran into this past week. You know the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"? Well, sometimes even if it is broken, you still shouldn't fix it.
And this week's photo is a prime example of technology that should have been replaced a LONG time ago.
Last week we showcased some antiquated technology in the form of some PS/2 keyboards and mice that were used up until last month. But this week's picture takes the grand prize.
Featured in this IT Disaster of the Week photo is a sweet little personal computer with a lightning-fast 386 SX processor, a mind-boggling 2mb of RAM, and a whopping 20mb hard drive. Setting aside my dripping sarcasm and the fact that this computing dinosaur was only used for basic word processing tasks, it still represents an IT asset that should have been retired back when parachute pants were still the rage. (Google that term if you are too young to remember them.)
Keep in mind that Tech Service Today isn't constantly encouraging our customers to upgrade their computer and networking equipment because we are trying to sell them stuff. We are not a hardware or software reseller, but rather a true IT services company. In short, we are the company that IT leaders call when they need to have their new hardware installed, serviced or replaced in locations that are beyond their reach.
As an IT services company, we recommend upgrading technology because every day we witness first-hand how much of a competitive advantage the latest technology provides to companies within every industry. Sadly we are also called on by the companies who didn't keep up with the latest technology when they need our help to decommission the IT equipment from their locations that they're forced to close.
Which brings us back to the initial sentiment expressed in this week's post. It's OK for IT professionals to follow the philosophy of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," some of the time. But in many cases, you'll find that replacing failing IT hardware is less costly (in the long-term) than repeatedly attempting to repair it.
If the cost-saving are not incentive enough for you to upgrade your IT equipment and cabling, then consider this benefit. You will never see us post a photograph of the latest and greatest technologies on our IT Disaster of the Week series. But if you continue using that old equipment.......
Check back every Friday for TST's latest IT Disaster of the Week photo
which represents one of the thousands of customer sites our technicians visit every year as they install and service IT, networking, and telecom equipment & cabling for our clients.
Click here to see last week's IT Disaster photo.
Do you already have an IT disaster that needs to be cleaned up?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to install a network. But to ensure that your equipment, racks and cabling are installed properly in an organized, efficient fashion, it does require the talents of a skilled IT technician. If you need help installing or cleaning up your network, contact Tech Service Today to have a skilled, seasoned Technician dispatched to your site.
Need help installing, troubleshooting, testing, documenting, or replacing your network cabling? Call Tech Service Today for on-site technical services anywhere in North America - often same-day when time is of the essence.
Just call (800) 973-2022 (option 1), or Email us at Service@TechServiceToday.com