Welcome back to Tech Service Today's IT Disaster of the Week series where we usually post the ugliest IT environment our technicians ran into this past week. But we're doing something different today in honor of Veteran's Day.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then over the last 12 months we've said enough about the lack of cable management being used by IT professionals to fill a dictionary. But in nearly every weekly IT Disaster we've showcased, our critique has cited the cabling catastrophes we've found in countless commercial environments.
In honor of Veteran's Day we're posting a picture that did not come from one of our customer sites, but rather from a US Army veteran who enjoys this blog series so much that he wanted to share an IT disaster he found while serving in Iraq.
I'm sure most folks would think our Armed Forces would be very strict about what is and is not acceptable when it comes to their technology/networks. And an image like this certainly isn't the kind of network configuration on which they have standardized.
But if you are a commercial IT professional who is thinking "if military technicians can't manage their cabling better than this, then how can my boss expect me to do any better?", then I have news for you. While you probably spent hours setting up your rack inside a nice, climate-controlled building filled with co-workers, the rack in this photo was probably setup in a matter of minutes inside a temporary military base, in an extremely hostile environment. Our military technicians understand that every minute spent waiting for communications to be established can be counted in lives lost.
That's why on this Veteran's Day, Tech Service Today wants to thank every Veteran of our Armed forces for freedoms they have secured for all of us. Were it not for those freedoms, we would not be able to poke fun at the IT Disasters we run into every week - many of which can be found in this blog series and in TST's IT House Of Horrors Halloween video. Thank you, Veterans, for your service.
Check back every Friday for TST's latest IT Disaster of the Week photo
which represent one of the thousands of customer sites our technicians visit every year as they install and service IT, networking, and telecom equipment & cabling for our clients.
Click here to see last week's IT Disaster photo.
Do you already have an IT disaster that needs to be cleaned up?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to install a network. But to ensure that your equipment, racks and cabling are installed properly in an organized, efficient fashion, it does require the talents of a skilled IT technician. If you need help installing or cleaning up your network, contact Tech Service Today to have a skilled, seasoned Technician dispatched to your site.
Need help installing, troubleshooting, testing, documenting, or replacing your network cabling? Call Tech Service Today for on-site technical services anywhere in North America - often in 4-hours or less.
Just call (800) 973-2022 (option 1), or Email us at Service@TechServiceToday.com