Technical support scammers can come in many forms and will claim to increase your business’s performance in a myriad of ways. They lure you to their websites with pop-up ads or web searches. Then, they tell you to call a phone number to activate or register their software. On the phone, they ask for remote access to your computer and then tell you that your computer has many errors that need to be fixed immediately. Thus adding more headache, and potentially more cost.
When dealing with an on-site support provider even more scams an occur. Extended fees regarding travel, parts used on the job, and hours worked can be pushed far beyond the limit they should be.
It’s all part of their plan to sell you bogus “security” or “technical support” products or services. Really, your computer or cabeling is potentially fine and all the extra cost and frustration is not needed. They want to charge you – possibly hundreds of dollars – for services that you don’t need and that doesn’t provide any help.
It is vital to be on the lookout for a reputable on site partner when in need of support. Make sure to do your due diligence, and cross check references to ensure you will not be taken advantage of and your business can maintain running at the speed it needs.
Contact Tech Service Today to learn more about how we can help you with your on-site technical needs!