5 Customer Service TIPS In IT Or Any Industry

IT Services Susan Cremin Apr 28, 2016

Just because you are not in hospitality does not mean you should not be hospitable.

At Tech Service Today, we created the TST 30 which has been monumental for our success. Our standards were inspired by the Walt Disney Company and the Ritz Carlton, two huge and very successful hospitality groups. 

We will go over 5 of the 30 practices we employ:

  1. Create A Feeling Of Friendliness And Warmth With Every Customer

Tech Service Today Excellent Customer Service Smiling And Helpful

Break from any script and speak from the heart.

Smile, it shows even through to the other line.

Be genuinely interested in the person and his/her experience with us.

Be heartfelt and sincere with your thank-yous.

Let people know they are important and that helping them is a priority.

Address people by name and respectfully. (Mr. Ms.) (avoid yea, huh, etc.)

2) Strive To Be The Best  At What We Do; We Do More With Our Work Week Than Run Out The Clock

Customer Service Advice For Companiesofficial_red_thumbs_down.jpg

Don't lose sight of the vision.

TST is our combined creation.

Every day and every week, make strides towards greatness.

Improve at least one process every single week.

Tech Service Today Excellent Employee And Customer Serviceofficial_green_thumbs_up.jpg

3) Never Tell The Customer To Do Something That We Can Do For Them Instead

Customer Service Advice For Companies

If a phone call has to be made, we make it.

If a service ticket needs to be created, we create it.

If a shipment has to be tracked, we track it.

If a site has to be notified, we notify it.

Whatever the issue, problem or question is, LISTEN and find a resolution.

Never leave a customer on hold. If you need to get them to the correct person, conference them in, introduce your colleague and customer and then your co-worker can take over.

4) Praise Your Teammates Often And Publically

Excellent employees and management congratulating each other IT services Tech Service Today

When speaking with technicians or customers, praise your various departments for their excellent track record.

Be generous with your gratitude internally.

Share credit and own blame.

For management: besides ensuring staff is doing their work, praise them for good work. Find rewards and incentives that will also make happy employees. Happy employees = happy customers = successful business

5) Lead By Example

Your actions mean more than your words

You can't hold someone to a standard if you are unwilling to hold yourself to that same standard

To mangage others, you must first be an expert on managing yourself.

Tech Service Today Leadership Superpower Excellent Customer Service

On a personal note, as a recent addition to the Tech Service Today team, I have been incredibly inspired by our CEO, VPs, Directors and Managers and how they lead by example. Besides ensuring staff is doing their work, they praise them for good work. They are always finding rewards and incentives that make our work environment fun, interesting, competitive, and motivational, ultimately inspiring their employees to not have to work, but WANT to work to the best of their ability. The work ethic and the standards the TST staff follows to ensure their clients are taken care of are immeasurable. And in the end, as stated above, happy employees = happy customers = successful business. 

Tech Service Today Staff Excellent Customer Service

If you would like more information about Tech Service Today, you can go to our website at servicetodaytech.com 


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And thank you to the Walt Disney Company and the Ritz Carlton for being shining customer service examples for us to learn from and aspire towards.

Topics: IT Services, It Field technicians, IT, Customer Service, Human Resources, IT Rollouts, Hospitality, Excellent Customer Service, Excellent Leadership, TST30, Tech Service Today, Happy Employees